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Living in the Moment

Living in the moment means to be fully aware and mindful of the present moment. You need to rid yourself of the “thought habits” of unnecessarily dwelling on the past or being overly anxious about the future. We go through life reacting to every situation and frequently miss out on or waste vital moments with our friends, family, and coworkers because we are not living in the moment.

Being present in the now and being mindful of the very moment you are living in makes that moment more valuable and meaningful. Instead of pondering over the past or worrying over the future, make the most of the present. Focus on it. Think about who you want to be in that moment. If you have a few minutes with someone, it is best spent engaged rather than distracted. I believe that if we live purposefully, in each moment, the quality of our lives improves. We have real relationships and are more effective at whatever we are spending our moments doing.

If you are distracted or not focused on what you are doing at any point, consider taking 60 seconds to clear your mind and release the tension in your body. Take slow deep breaths and think about who you want to be in that moment. Reset your thinking and begin your new moment. You will have more value in every moment of your life if you will live each moment with purpose.

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